Friday, November 8, 2013

France Friday: A look to the field in France...

  One of the things we try to emphasize again and again is that this journey is really not about us at all, but it's about what God is doing in France and around the world.  He's asked us to go, others to pray and/or give financially, but He wants all of us to be involved in what He's doing to reach all nations.  With that in mind, I wanted to post a link to a good update from the field in France that will help you know how to pray for the work there.  The branch of World Team in France is called "France Vie" and they started their own blog a few months back (consider subscribing to their blog to keep a pulse on what's happening across the ocean). Here's the latest post that provides insight to one of the biggest challenges to church planting in France:

  Keep praying for God to make himself known in France and keep seeking Him on how He might want you to be involved in what He's doing around the world. 


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Is Christ Enough?

Hi everyone!

      I'm sorry it's been so long.  There's been a lot going on the past two months, more than I can share in one post, but I wanted to update you on something taking place right now.  Michelle and I were blessed to have been invited to the Global Mission's Conference at FBC O'Fallon (near St. Louis).  We arrived yesterday and will be here through Sunday.  I won't try to relate everything going on, but I must say I've never been a part of a mission's conference like this where the church has invested so much time, energy, and resources to be a blessing to missionaries.  And Michelle and I haven't even made it to the field yet!  Needless to say but it is a humbling experience for us.  Please pray for all of the new relationships we make this weekend.

     I wanted to share one thing God was whispering to me last night during the opening service.  The worship team led this song entitled "Chris is Enough" ( ). You can hear it by clicking the link.  Sometimes it's good to be reminded of the big picture.  This whole thing is about Christ! He abides in me, and He's enough. I had to pray, "Lord, if we don't make it to France till we're 50, if we never make it, Christ is enough. You never fail us and we won't turn back. Chris is enough." Thanks for praying for us.  I don't know what the Lord has in store, but we're going to follow Him and we know that He's good. I'll have more updates in our next newsletter which I hope to send out soon. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

When Time Stands Still...

When you are running a race, or say...waiting to get to France, TIME moves slowly...

When you realize your daughter is starting kindergarten and your"baby" is two, TIME flies...

When you are trying to get your kids to school on time or finish a project, there is never enough TIME...

 And then every once in a while, TIME just stands still.  

For me, that happened last week when my dad went to the dr for some pain that he was having while running.  What we thought to be no big deal turned into an unexpected triple bypass surgery.  My dad is a healthy guy.  He has always been conscious of what he eats and how much he exercises because of the heart disease that runs in his family.  His father died of a heart attack in his early 40's before I was born.  Even though we knew the family history, we were still in shock when we heard the news.  For the week that my dad was in the hospital, all I could think about was how I could help as we prayed through the surgery and recovery.  I still took my kids to school and did some of the every day activities, but with a different mindset.  I was thankful for every moment, every time I got to visit with my parents at the hospital, the time I got to spend with my sisters and close friends who came to help, the fact that I was still here in the United States to be with my family during this time.  I am always praying for God's timing even though I am usually secretly hoping that His timing will match up with my plans.  This past week, I was helpless to trust that God was taking care of us through this and any other "crisis" that we might face.  He gave me a glimpse of His sovereignty in keeping us here a bit longer.  He reminded me of the importance of taking life one day at a time.

My dad is doing much better and recovering well at home now.  I am thankful that God is in control and I am not.  I am praying that I will continue to trust Him and His sovereignty TIME and TIME again.

Thankful in the Journey!
Eucharisteo :)

Friday, July 19, 2013

France Friday, "Thinking about faith..."

"...for we walk by faith, not by sight - " 2 Cor. 5:7
         I've always loved this verse and it's been one I've held tight during this "faith journey." It depicts such dependence on God, trust, surrender, relationship.  God is good and even when things don't look like they're adding up we can confidently hold His hand and let Him lead.  We admit though, it sure is nice to be able to physically see things every so often as well!  Just a gentle "whisper" assuring us that we're still heading the right direction. But while we tend to focus on our faith journey, I'm reminded that we're not the only ones stepping out and trusting the Lord's leading even when we can't always see it.  This is a call to all Christians.  

         A couple of weeks ago we had the pleasure of visiting with our neighbors here at the seminary housing before they again left for the mission field.  They've been waiting on the necessary visas for months and now they're heading to the field without them with no guarantee that they will be able to stay past a couple of months.  If the visas don't come, they have to leave and see where God might lead them next.  "...for we walk by faith, not by sight - ". 

        Almost a year ago and dear woman said God was leading her to partner with us financially but she was still praying through the amount.  I gave her some time and then approached her again.  She told me had an amount in mind but as she kept praying God kept telling her to raise the amount! I asked her if I should give her some more time to keep praying, lol. She isn't exactly sure where this money will come from, but she knew it's what God was leading her to do. . "...for we walk by faith, not by sight - ". 

        And now the call is the same for every one of us. Jesus is calling, "follow me." He still desires to lead us, though we can't see Him, touch Him, or audibly hear His words. God may be leading some of you to commit to partner with us financially on a monthly basis.  This is a call to walk by faith! No one but God knows what will happen over the course of four years, but we trust that God will provide for your needs to allow you to give. I think you've read enough of our blog entries to know how much of a struggle this can be for us at times.  I'm constantly praying, "Lord, increase my faith!" But I pray you will join us and all the other Christians out there seeking to "trust walk" with Jesus. He's good.  He's God. He won't lead us astray. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Stuck in the "Why?"...

I don't know what it is about little boys and dog kennels, but mine love to get into them.  Here, we were at a friend's house and he made himself right at home inside the cage.  He was quite content to play in it...until he realized that he was stuck.  Then, of course he wanted out.  He called for help, saying, "I stuck".  Lately, I have felt stuck in the "Why's" of life.  Why did God call us to go and then continue to keep us here?  Why does it seem as though the prayers of others are being answered while ours seem to be unheard?  Why can my type A personality self not plan for anything not knowing where we will be in six months?  And the "whys" continue.  Am I that self involved, however, to think that I am the only person out there asking "Why?"  Could I really believe there are not parents asking "Why" about much bigger things than "Why are my children going to suffer socially as they are transitioned to different circumstances around the world?"  I think we are all asking "Why" about something.  My Sunday School class has been studying the book of Job.  I cannot begin to imagine the thoughts and feelings Job must have had wondering "Why?".  Why did God take his family, his possessions, his health?  As my sister liked to put it.  It all came down to a bet between God and Satan.  But seriously in the end, it was all to show God's glory and His sovereignty.  I can take comfort in the fact that though life will not be all that I hope it to be at times, God is sovereign and nothing takes Him by surprise.  Also, I have to remember that I exist, my husband exists, my children exist to glorify Him.  We will glorify Him while we are here as we will glorify Him in France and wherever else He might call us to go.  I have been reading the book, Mended, by Angie Smith.  In the first chapter, she writes about the scripture in Jeremiah 18:2-6 where he talks about going to the potter's house.  She talks about a time when she felt called to break a pitcher that she owned and then glue it back together.  She kept it as a reminder that we are all mended, that we are called to be poured out and how better for God's love to seep through the cracks than if we were once broken?  I tried this little experiment and I must say, it was harder (mentally) than I thought it might be to break the mug.  I was sure that I would have much trouble putting it back together, but I keep the very imperfectly shaped mug next to my bed with these words written on it, "Behold, like clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand."  God is shaping me and reshaping me with every step of this journey and He is using both Brandon and me in each place that He has us.  I will not allow myself to forget that.  I also will remember to be thankful.  I am reminded of the old Hymn, "Count Your Many Blessings"  I am trying, these days to name my blessings one by one in order to remember just how very blessed I am.  My brother-in-law said it well.  We are quick to question God when things are not going our way, but we rarely, if ever, ask "Why" when He gives us good things.  I don't remember the last time I asked, "Why did you bless me with three beautiful children?" or "Why did you provide us with a house or apt EVERY time we were in need of a place to stay in the midst of all our transitions?"  We expect God's goodness, but when something doesn't go just as we have planned it, we wonder, "Where is God?"  In the words of Ann Voscamp, "Eucharisteo (thankfulness) always, always precedes the miracle."  We are asking God for a miracle to provide the support that we need to get to France.  We choose to be thankful in the journey and to count our blessings.  Does that mean that we won't ever ask "Why?"...probably not, but it means that we know our God has a plan for our future and He will use us to bring Him glory wherever we are.  I refuse to stay "stuck" and let that paralyze me.

Thankful in the Journey!

Friday, June 21, 2013

MERGE-"Where Camp and Missions Meet"

*highlight video by Ryan Sidhom and Vantage Media

Mission minded students who are sleeping on the floor, showering in tents, getting "Turn't up for Jesus" and sharing the gospel...

Encouragement from great (granted, CRAZY) adult leadership...

Reaching out to our community...

Getting their worship on...

  "Everything that has breath praise the Lord!" (Psalm 150:6)...

I was blessed to participate in Merge this week as the camp photographer in conjunction with our fundraising efforts.  I was encouraged by the passion of these students.  God calls us to share the Good News wherever we are, in Memphis, TN, in New Orleans, LA, in France... wherever we are, we are to praise Him and make His name known.  To God be the glory.  We praise Him in the journey!

Friday, June 14, 2013

France Friday, 6/14/13: Thinking about Churches....

Happy Friday,

     If you're like me and have lived in Memphis most of your life, churches are the norm.  I didn't even go to church much until I met Jesus at 16, but I was used to churches being a part of my life. Churches on tv, friends that went to church, church sports programs, VBS.  All of this was a normal part of growing up for me. Fast forward to this past year, and especially the past 3 months, and I've had the opportunity to visit numerous churches for a variety of reasons.  I found myself praising God for all of the great churches in our area, most of which are just a short drive away. And not just church "buildings", but vibrant church "bodies" seriously pursuing Christ and seeking to make Christ known to the communities around them and beyond. 

    And then I thought about France, a place with plenty of buildings but a place where the true Church is all but absent in most communities. As big a part as the Church has played in my life, both before and after I became a Christian, I can't imagine living in a place void of true, Jesus-worshiping, people-loving churches.  Can you?

   God could send the gospel to the lost any way He wanted to (signs, angels, writing on the wall!) but instead He chose the Church  (me and you!) as the primary messenger of the Good News. In just about every measurement or survey that you look at, Memphis ranks as one of the top "religious, churched, bible-believing" cities in the country!  Oh that the Church would rise up and remember her calling!  What a privilege we have and what a responsibility! Let's not take what we have for granted and please join us in seeking to be His witnesses to France and to the ends of the earth. 

P.S. Almost every day we hear, "I thought you were going to France..." or "when are you leaving for France?".  In case you were unaware or if you hear the same questions, please know that the only real hurdle preventing us from leaving for France is money.  We need about $25,000 in one-time gifts to cover our moving and set-up costs and about $5,000 pledged monthly giving ( for four years) to cover our living and ministry costs for our first term. Below is a sample breakdown of what those financial partnerships could look like.  If you think you can help in any way please click the banner on the left sidebar or email me at with any questions.  Thank God for His Church!

4 Churches at $250/month
10 partners at $100/month
20 Partners at $50/month
50 Partners at $20/month
100 Partners at $10/month

Thursday, June 6, 2013

National Donut Day!

This first Friday in June is not only France Friday, but it is also National Donut Day.  You can celebrate (and who wouldn't want to??) and support us at the same time.  K's Donuts has so graciously allowed us to place a pickle jar in their shop and they are accepting donations for our missions fund.  I am planning to stop by and get a yummy treat.  We hope that you will as well!

Saturday, June 1, 2013


This song, by Tenth Avenue North describes the way I feel often in the last months, particularly regarding our journey to the mission field.  I was looking for the perfect video to post on here, and eventually I decided to make one, instead.  I had a great time looking through some of the recent photos that I have taken and I was actually encouraged by all the sweet faces of my children and those of my friends.  "Worn" was written at a time when Mike Donehey had two young girls and was getting very little sleep.  I can relate to that all too well.  The journey is not promised to be easy, but the reward IS promised to be great.  The scripture included in the video is from Psalm 28, a passage that my dad preached on recently.  It really stuck with me and relates so well to the message in these lyrics.  If nothing else, some of these images should put a smile on your face. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

France Friday, 5/24/13: Celebrating sacrifice...

     As we continue to seek to additional prayer and financial partners, it's amazing to stop and think about those that have already join our team.  We have over 70 family units, two churches, and two Sunday School classes that have pledged to give towards our monthly support while serving in France, not including countless others that have given special, one-time gifts and/or have pledged their regular prayer support.  The amounts pledged range from $5/month to $100/month on up, but the majority fall between $15 and $25 per month.  What's funny is how many people apologize that they can only give such a "small" amount! Let me try out my Paul impersonation and say, "May it never be!"

    We rejoice in each person that partners with us and honestly I love the thought of our team including many people rather than a smaller amount of "large" donors.  Additionally, we must remember that in God's economy, what we may consider "small" may be so much bigger to Him.  Like the boy that hands over his fish and bread (lunch) to Jesus,  God can take what we have and make "a lot" out of "little." Secondly, God honors the amount of our SACRIFICE over the amount of our gift. 

    Just recently, we were touched to receive the following letter:

    Doesn't this remind you of another passage in scripture? (Mark 12:41-44, Luke 21:1-4). What a testimony! We're so humbled to be able to witness what God is doing in the hearts of His children as they entrust what they've been given into the Father's hands. May He make much out of "little" and may He lead others to join what He's doing in France.  Here's how you can pray for us:

  • I have several opportunities to meet with contacts at local churches over the next couple of weeks. Pray for divine appointments.  
  • Pray for perseverance for me and my family.  
  • Pray about the details of a possible summer event we've been dreaming up.