Thursday, June 28, 2012

France Friday...GA's are the BEST!

This past Wednesday, Brandon and I had the wonderful opportunity to share about France and our call with the GA's.  What made it so special for me was that I first felt a call to missions at that very camp when I was in 5th grade.  We had a great time with the girls...  

They had even made cards for our kids, which they loved.  It was very sweet and great being with young ladies who love the Lord and have a heart for missions already.

MONDAY NIGHT is Chick-Fil-A Night.  From 5-8, bring this flyer in to the Millington restaurant and part of the proceeds will go to our funds.  You gotta eat, right??? why not at Chick-Fil-A?  We would love to see you there.  Look for us if you have any questions or want to know more about how you can be a part of what God is doing in France.

Bon Weekend!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

France Friday...How you can GO!

Every year the France team of missionaries hosts a Paris Prayer Conference.  In 2013, the conference will be the week of June 10-17.  You can check out the brochure here for more details.  Brandon had the opportunity to participate in the prayer conference the year that we were living in France.  It really gives you the most clear picture of what the need is like there.

Chick-Fil-A night: you can print this flyer out and take it to the Millington restaurant on Monday night, July 2nd from 5-8 pm and part of the proceeds of your order will go to our outgoing expenses fund.  We will be there to answer any questions you might have or give you more info about how you can partner with us.

Continue to pray for us as we are meeting with new contacts to share.  Thanks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

France Friday, 6/15/12

We hope you're having a great summer!  It seems like I'm always writing how busy things have been, but the last couple of weeks have been particularly so with the move and the yard sales and VBS this week.  And yet, in the midst of it all, God continues to move and place people our path that have committed to pray and to give.  Thanks for your prayers! 

  • Prayer for energy, rest, and wisdom on how to most efficiently use our time. 
  • Pray for opportunities to meet with couples or small groups to share about what God is doing in France. 
  • Pray specifically for God to raise up people that will commit to partner with us financially on a monthly basis. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

France Friday

Pray for...

F unds to be raised
R est after a busy couple of weeks
A ll the WT missionaries
N ew people to partner with us 
C ontinued perseverance
E very French person who will hear

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Yard Sale Update

If you follow our blog, you know that we had a yard sale on Saturday to raise some of our outgoing expenses.  We chose to do one now because we moved this past week and it seemed like a good time to go ahead and downsize.  We also received donations from several people.  Thank you to
  • Lisa Tennyson
  • Julie Woods
  • Charlie and Betty Covington
  • Brent Crouch
  • Jennifer Holland
  • Zach and Erin Robbins
  • Emily Wallace
  • Steve and Kathy Hogel
  • Karyn Allen 
  • Scott Blanton
  • Leslie Tisdale
for donating items to the sale.  Thanks also to
  • Zach and Erin Robbins
  • Jennifer, Riley and Emily Holland
  • Katie Whitby
  • Kathy Hogel
  • Tracey Kelly
  • Bert Richards
  • Lisa and Tessa Harrelson
  • Morgan Berry
  • Taylor Dodson
  • Sothearath Chhim 
  • David Herron
for helping with the sale.  We couldn't have done it without you.  Thanks to my parents as well as Lisa and Tessa (Brandon's mom and sister) for watching the kids while we were there.  If I forgot someone, I apologize in advance.  It was a great day, but we were exhausted by the end of it all as you can imagine.

                                                           Karis made this sign.

 At the end of the day, we came away with about $1300.  We thank God for each one of you who were a part of helping it all come together.  We will be doing another one sometime in the future..

Friday, June 1, 2012

France Friday!
YARD SALE TOMMORROW: at Bartlett Hills Baptist Church from 7:00am-2:00pm...
  • Thank you for all the donations...we have lots to sell!
  • We could still use a little more man power to help out during the sale.
  • Please come and shop!