*While each of these roles are vital to our success, I need to emphasize that our most-pressing need at this moment is for financial partners. Our 2 year, mid-term contract is coming to an end but we believe God still has work for us to do in France. We are returning to the U.S. this summer of 2016 to raise the remaining amount of monthly/yearly financial support that we'll need to return to France and serve on a career basis. However, we will only have until September 2016 before we have to decide where our kids will enroll in school and we will not be released to return to France until we have raise 100% of our monthly/yearly financial need. So I will start there...
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You can join our financial team now at https://us.worldteam.org/give/index ! |
Our prayer is not that the Lord would simply lead us to people of "means" with the ability to write a check each month. Our heart's desire is that God would direct us to men and women who share our passion to see disciples made of every nation, who pray to the "Lord of the harvest" to send forth workers and who are delighted to give sacrificially in order to facilitate their sending. We're praying for true partners in the task!
We currently have 70 such partners whose gifts have allowed us to serve our first term of 2 years in France. We are now seeking an additional 50 partners to help us raise the almost $5,000 per month we need to return to France and serve our next 3 year term (you can find suggested amounts on the image to your the right).
If you want to find out more, you can start by checking out the various giving options by clicking https://us.worldteam.org/give/index . The details at that point are up to you, but we do ask that you be ready to commit to giving until at least the completion of our next 3 year term. Would you pray about being one of our 50?
I truly believe that even being 100% funded would not be enough to keep us on the field, much less allow us to make any gospel impact in France, without having our prayer team calling on the Lord on our behalf. Each month I try and send out by email a prayer calendar to our prayer team containing specific events and requests for that month. If you would like to receive this monthly prayer calendar simply return to the top of this page and enter your email into the box pictured on the left.
If you are on Facebook, another great way to stay informed is to join our private group, "Make Known-France." So far, this have proven to be our most convenient and most discreet way to provide updates and prayers needs as they arise.
Lastly, we would be honored to be added to your church's or small group's prayer list!
Obviously encouragement can come in many forms but I think encouragement goes even beyond the acts of giving and praying. Feelings of loneliness, frustration, and defeat are not uncommon on the mission field where one is often disconnected from other believers. A kind note, email, birthday cards and care-packages can go a long way in lifting one's spirit at just the right moment.
Also, can you encourage others to get involved? Can you be our spokesman or spokeswoman to others that might like to join our team. The more the merrier!
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