Thursday, April 26, 2012

France Friday: A BIG God!

"We serve a big God."  How many times have I heard that?  My kids sing songs about it.  We hear sermons on it.  Its proven all throughout the Scriptures.  Do I really believe that my God is big in my life, that He can accomplish more than I could ever imagine?  One night this week, David Lohnes (World Team missionary in France who was visiting with us) looked at me and said, "I believe that God is saying to you, 'Don't make Me look small.'"  Do I make God look small with my unbelief?  We had an amazing time with David here.  He spent a week and a half with us speaking at different events, helping us put together resources, advocating the work that God is doing in France and encouraging others to get involved.  I saw people partner with us this week in ways I never expected.  I saw them pray for France and for the ministry there.  I saw them give generously and sacrificially.  Some who began to share our passion were calling us and suggesting new ways that we could get the word out.  I expected God to move this week, but I am not sure that I expected him to show me just how BIG He is.  I am still in awe of His greatness.  I am still overwhelmed by His power.  And, I think this is just the beginning.  David shared that his prayer is that we would be in France by the end of the year.  When everything in me wants to say, this goal is impossible, I am reminded that nothing is impossible with God.  This week, I saw God more than double our outgoing exspenses account.  We are currently at about 22%.  We are still waiting on all the monthly pledges to come in, but Brandon and I truly believe that we will reach our goal of 25% by May.  If God can raise $12,500 in a matter of days, whose to say He cannot get us to France by the end of the year?  I choose to expect the unexpected.  I choose to believe that my God is BIG!  Last night, David spoke to the youth at Bartlett Hills Baptist church and one of the things that stuck with me was this equation: Faith + Sacrifice = Miracles.  I want my faith to be such that when coupled with the sacrifices of others as well as my own, we see miracles.  I want to see them now in the support raising process.  I want to see them when we get to the field.  Afterall, that is the only way that we will see the French come to know Christ.  Here are a few more pictures of our week...

And here are some ways that you can be praying for us:
  •  Pray for David and Kathryn Lohnes and their ministry in Meru, France.  Pray that the darkness will be lifted and the eyes of the French people will be open to the truth of the Gospel.  Pray also that God will raise up some of the men in their church to step up and take on some of the leadership roles.
  • Pray that as we continue to seek people to partner with us in our future ministry in France that most if not all of our support will come from this area so that we can spend our time on home assignment with all of you sharing the specifics about what God is doing.
  • Pray that God will give us a peace about where we will live in about a month.  We are still seeking the best place for our family during this transition time.
Thank you for continuing to pray for us in this journey!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Focus on France Friday!

Our good friend, David Lohnes (missionary serving in France), arrived in Memphis on Tuesday night of this week and is spending about 10 days with us in order to encourage us in this support raising process as well as speak at a number of events on our behalf. He is sharing more about the need in France and how people can partner with us in a number of different ways.  We covet your prayers during this time.  We know that God is preparing the hearts of those who will hear him speak.  We are exctied to see how God is using him to bring new people on board in this journey with us.  Here is a glimpse of our week so far...
Karis was loving some extra attention.

On Wednesday night, he spoke at Bartlett Hills Baptist Church.

Last night, our friends, Steve and Kim Boatwright hosted our first cottage meeting in their home.

We are looking forward to many more opportunities to share while he is here. 
Here is a list of events that we have scheduled over the next few days:
Friday night- cottage meeting at the home of Kristie Lewis and Renee Hammons
Saturday night- cottage meeting at the Boatwright's house
Sunday morning- We will be at Bartlett Hills and can answer any questions.
Sunday night- evening service at FBC Covington
Monday- Wednesday- As of right now, we do not have anything scheduled.  Please let us know if you would like to meet us for a meal or coffee.  We are available!

Another quick prayer request...We are moving in June!  We are just not quite sure where just yet.  The missionary housing at the seminary will not be available until January, so we are seeking temporary housing.  We have one possible house to rent, but are still seeking God's direction.  Thanks so much for your continual prayer and support.  Have a great Friday!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

France "Saturday!"

Hello.  Obviously we didn't get this out yesterday so we'll have to make it a "Saturday for France" instead.  It's a busy week, so I'll be brief. 

-Pray for David Lohnes as he prepares to travel to the states this Tuesday.  Pray for his church in France and his wife, Kathryn, while he's gone.  Pray that God would use him in a mighty way! 

Here are some opportunities that are scheduled during his time here. 

  • Wed, 4/18, a portion of the Wed. night service at Bartlett Hills Baptist Church
  • Thurs. 4/19, "home meeting" with friends from FBC Millington
  • Friday, 4/20, home meeting with friends from Bartlett Hills Baptist Church
  • Sat. 4/21, home meeting with friends from FBC Millington
  • Sun. 4/22, brief "commercial" during A.M. service at Bartlett Hills Baptist Church and meet and greet time afterwards.  P.M. service at FBC Covington.
  • Mon. 4/23, possible home meeting
  • Tues. 4/24, Open
  • Wed., 4/25 Open
-Please pray for these opportunities and for additional "divine appointments."
- Pray for us as we face some spiritual warfare during this time.  Pray that we will be strong in the Lord and put on the full armor of God!  

Thanks for praying and please come join us for any of the events listed above and bring a friend.  Also, if there's any other opportunity for David to come share about the needs in France, or even if you just want to meet for coffee or lunch, just let us know.  Have a great weekend!  

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good News For France Friday!

Today we celebrate that our Savior died on the cross in our place so that we could spend eternity with Him.  We know that He rose again after three days.  But, what if we didn't know?  What if we hadn't been told about the Good News of Good Friday???  Many of us live in a culture where you need only take a short drive or even simply log on to your facebook account to see or hear the Word of Christ.  For some, this is not so simple.  There are those out there who have not heard the Good News.  And it is not just those who live in third world countries or remote areas of the world.  France is a place where people are uninformed and/or misinformed about who Jesus Christ is and that's why we feel called to go there.  Please join us today in praying for France. 

Here are a few more specifics you can be praying for:

  • Pray for God to provide as we strive to reach 25% of our pledged monthly support we'll need in France by May.
  • As we've mentioned previously, our friend David Lohnes, World Team missionary in France for over 25 years, is making a special trip to Memphis in a couple of weeks for 9 days to speak on our behalf and to share the need in France. Pray for opportunities that will make the most of his time here as well as safe travels for him.