Friday, July 12, 2013

Stuck in the "Why?"...

I don't know what it is about little boys and dog kennels, but mine love to get into them.  Here, we were at a friend's house and he made himself right at home inside the cage.  He was quite content to play in it...until he realized that he was stuck.  Then, of course he wanted out.  He called for help, saying, "I stuck".  Lately, I have felt stuck in the "Why's" of life.  Why did God call us to go and then continue to keep us here?  Why does it seem as though the prayers of others are being answered while ours seem to be unheard?  Why can my type A personality self not plan for anything not knowing where we will be in six months?  And the "whys" continue.  Am I that self involved, however, to think that I am the only person out there asking "Why?"  Could I really believe there are not parents asking "Why" about much bigger things than "Why are my children going to suffer socially as they are transitioned to different circumstances around the world?"  I think we are all asking "Why" about something.  My Sunday School class has been studying the book of Job.  I cannot begin to imagine the thoughts and feelings Job must have had wondering "Why?".  Why did God take his family, his possessions, his health?  As my sister liked to put it.  It all came down to a bet between God and Satan.  But seriously in the end, it was all to show God's glory and His sovereignty.  I can take comfort in the fact that though life will not be all that I hope it to be at times, God is sovereign and nothing takes Him by surprise.  Also, I have to remember that I exist, my husband exists, my children exist to glorify Him.  We will glorify Him while we are here as we will glorify Him in France and wherever else He might call us to go.  I have been reading the book, Mended, by Angie Smith.  In the first chapter, she writes about the scripture in Jeremiah 18:2-6 where he talks about going to the potter's house.  She talks about a time when she felt called to break a pitcher that she owned and then glue it back together.  She kept it as a reminder that we are all mended, that we are called to be poured out and how better for God's love to seep through the cracks than if we were once broken?  I tried this little experiment and I must say, it was harder (mentally) than I thought it might be to break the mug.  I was sure that I would have much trouble putting it back together, but I keep the very imperfectly shaped mug next to my bed with these words written on it, "Behold, like clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand."  God is shaping me and reshaping me with every step of this journey and He is using both Brandon and me in each place that He has us.  I will not allow myself to forget that.  I also will remember to be thankful.  I am reminded of the old Hymn, "Count Your Many Blessings"  I am trying, these days to name my blessings one by one in order to remember just how very blessed I am.  My brother-in-law said it well.  We are quick to question God when things are not going our way, but we rarely, if ever, ask "Why" when He gives us good things.  I don't remember the last time I asked, "Why did you bless me with three beautiful children?" or "Why did you provide us with a house or apt EVERY time we were in need of a place to stay in the midst of all our transitions?"  We expect God's goodness, but when something doesn't go just as we have planned it, we wonder, "Where is God?"  In the words of Ann Voscamp, "Eucharisteo (thankfulness) always, always precedes the miracle."  We are asking God for a miracle to provide the support that we need to get to France.  We choose to be thankful in the journey and to count our blessings.  Does that mean that we won't ever ask "Why?"...probably not, but it means that we know our God has a plan for our future and He will use us to bring Him glory wherever we are.  I refuse to stay "stuck" and let that paralyze me.

Thankful in the Journey!

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