Saturday, November 8, 2014

November Newsletter

See what God is up to "behind the scenes"...

May God's hand be upon you and your family! For years, we've dreamed about what exactly it is that God has in store for us in France. It's so exciting to see now bit by bit how God is at work and what may be ahead for our family. I can't thank you enough for partnering with us financially and giving us this opportunity to live and share the gospel in France.

I wanted to take a moment to describe what we've seen, beyond the beautiful landscapes and buildings and national monuments, a "behind the scenes" look at where we've sensed God's touch. May the list continue to grow!

In the course of a month, we have a French bank account, cell phones, a car, and I learned how to operate the wood burning furnace! And our friend, David, who for the first time in over 30 years has to make a special trip to the states to raise additional financial support, was here long enough to walk us through it all (Many thanks!).
Our little town of Le Deluge has been very welcoming and accommodating. Additionally, no one has seemed put off when we tell them that I'm a pastor. And perhaps optimistically, I think some even seemed intrigued.

The kids have done better than we could have imagined at their schools without knowing the language and at each school there has been a teacher that can speak English to them when needed.


After the first week, Karis was invited to a classmate's birthday party. There has been another mom that has said we could call her with any questions or problems we had. We've already had the chance to meet families that David and Kathryn may never have had the chance to meet simply because our kids are classmates.

We're also excited about what we've seen from our new church family in Meru. Their love for one another is obvious and they've done much to minister to our family during our first few weeks as well. But what's most exciting is to see their passion for their community and their vision to multiply and expand their reach. I've had the privilege to be in a prayer meeting that lasted for hours and where prayer was the only thing on the agenda. I was humbled to listen as they cried out for God's will and plan to be carried out in the lives of the church. Then last week we were able to celebrate the baptism of two of the youth within the church.

We've also had the opportunity to see into our "future." The team in the city of Gisors is about 3-5 years ahead of us on the projected timeline. The have a group that meets together for worship once a month and just recently formed small groups that will begin meeting the other 3 weeks. We spent Halloween with one family in Gisors that has kids the same age as ours, as well as some of their neighbors and friends. That night I sat and listened as one man openly confessed that he wasn't very religious and hadn't read the Bible but had many questions and wanted to know more! "As they've been going" and as they've "lived life together" with the French they gain the chance to share Truth. I look forward to beginning some language study next week and soon being prepared to have some conversations of my own.

And as a bonus, if you didn't see this creative outreach telling the story of the Bible using classical paintings depicting Biblical stories from Genesis to Revelation, you should check it out here.

Once again I thank you for your gifts, your encouragement, and your prayers. We look forward to sharing with you again in the coming months.

God bless, Brandon and Michelle

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Grace a Dieu

"Thanks Be to God"
  • We arrived in France and are getting settled in what will be our house for the next six months...

  • The kids made it through their first week of school with no issues.  Asher is still getting used to it, but other than that, everyone is adjusting very well.
  • We have found a car and will purchase it soon.  Thanks again to our donors who provided a special gift for this purchase.  AND it is an automatic...which is exciting especially for me. (We will still continue learning to drive a manual)
  • We have begun to make new friends and look for opportunities to share the gospel.
  • We have worshiped with our church family twice and they are already a blessing to us.  No pictures yet, but we have already been invited to spend Christmas with one of the families.

  • The French countryside is beautiful.  We are reminded of God's goodness often.
  • We have continued to have people and churches join us as financial partners since we have been here.  If you would like to join with us as well, we welcome you to be a part of what God is doing in France.  Click HERE for more info.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Going by Giving: Hear From Our Gospel Partners- Part Deux

       I want to open this next guest blogger by simply saying that if you asked me to show you a picture of a "cheerful giver", it would be this woman and her husband.  She has come to me in tears of joy and excitement over the sacrifices that God has called her to make in order to be a part of what He is doing in France.  I am truly inspired by her.  So without further delay...

       "Why do I help support the Burches?  I guess it has to do with my own father who taught us to help others.  He said, "If you see a need, and you can help, you should- don't be selfish."  

       When I was teaching, I tried to instill the importance of giving.  I had the same home room from the time they were in 7th to 9th grade.  The first year, they didn't want to give to anything.  They wanted to spend their money on junk food.  It was like pulling teeth to get anything out of them.  I would remind them that even a little helped.  Some gave more, others gave less-it didn't matter, it added up.  And guess what...there was no less junk food!  By the time they were in 8th grade, only the new students didn't want to give.  The other students themselves talked to them and they gave some.  The students felt good about giving and gave freely.  By 9th grade they were asking me if we could do some other charitable giving.  Our class was known as the biggest supporters.  Other teachers were asking me how I got my students to give.  I guess because I found it important to help from my father's own words and actions.  I was proud of them, but more importantly, they were proud of themselves.  They learned that giving helps others and also makes them feel good.  They learned to give with a cheerful heart.  

But like the saying-"Many hands make light work." so do many donations turn into a large donation.  Phil's mother always said, "People do what they want."  This is so true.

      And isn't that what God wants us to do?  So, we see the Burches need help and we are able to help some.  But like the saying-"Many hands make light work." so do many donations turn into a large donation.  Phil's mother always said, "People do what they want."  This is so true.  They can't give because "they just don't have it".  But then they buy things they really don't need or take expensive vacations....yet, they couldn't even give $10 or $25 a month.  Like my homeroom kids, I bet if you give, you will still buy what you want and take the same vacation.  So, I would encourage you to make this a part of your ministry even if you are not doing it so cheerfully at first.  God will soon bless you with a cheerful heart!"

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Faith like a child....

     This "partnership development" phase of our journey, which really is much more than just fundraising, has been challenging in many ways. But it's stories like the one I'm about to share with you that makes me thankful that we get to be a part of it. It's humbling to see how God uses our story to call to the hearts of others, to draw them to His heart for the lost around the world.

     Recently I had the chance to give an update to our church family at Bartlett Hills. I've felt compelled lately not to focus too much on our story, but rather on God's grand design. God's plan is to use all of us, the church, to make disciples from here to the ends of the earth. We're all created by Him, through Him, and for Him. Our lives are His.

     That night, a proud grandmother shared with me how God had spoken to her grandson that morning. I think God began to reveal to this young man how He could use him to reach the lost across the ocean in a place like France. God had plans to use him even now. She told me that he had received some money for Christmas and that he had a small amount left and felt like he should give it to help us minister in France. He had planned on using it to buy a gift for his mom but he really felt like God told him to give it for us! I was blown away to hear about such a selfless act by someone so young. I also felt a little bad about his mom, ha, but she apparently wasn't too upset as she also gave her own gift towards the work in France.

   We're all part of God's big story and He's at work in the hearts of His people. May the example of this sweet family spur us on to find our place in God's work around this world. If you too want to partner with us to reach the French you can click the button on the left and follow the instructions there. To God be the glory.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Going by Giving: Hear From Our Gospel Parnters

Our blog is titled "Allons-y" meaning "Let's go" in french.  We have always emphasized the fact that we are in this journey together, with our prayer and financial partners.  We wanted you to hear from some of them about how and why God called them to join with us to bring the Gospel to the French.  Thanks to Mike LaRiviere for being our first guest blogger.  More to come over the next few weeks. 

My wife, Judy and I have been tithers and givers for almost all our Christian lives. I’d like to begin by stating that it is impossible to out-give God. We have also learned to trust in Jesus as He opens doors for us to walk through and guides our steps along the paths he directs us to take.

Over a year ago, we heard that Brandon, Michelle, and children were going to go to France where they would be a missionary family under World Team sponsorship. I kind of scratched my head at the time and said under my breath, “God, do you know how many kids they have?” I distinctly heard a deep baritone chuckle from across the expanse of space, and I felt a bit foolish. It isn’t every day that a child of God gets to provide Him with a laugh.

We became interested in what seemed to be a very big step in amassing a sizeable amount of money and a monster challenge in uprooting an entire family and moving off to a foreign country noted to be a difficult mission field. Another thought, “God, Michelle is a mother of three kids, how will she have any time left to do missionary things?” –another chuckle.

A very clear message came to me that I knew was from the Lord God. Give them money. “Yes Lord.” And we did; a sizeable sum. Next message, Give them more money. “Yes Lord.” Another sizeable donation.

Then several smaller amounts were sent to World Team to their account. Still, the Master did not stop with us. I am an author and have twelve books to my credit for sale through Give them your royalties. “But Lord.” –no chuckle this time.

So now we are sending World team all our royalties. So if you would like to become part of this phase of supporting the Burches, just go to and type in Michael E LaRiviere, buy any of my books, and all the royalties go to them and you get a great read.

Jesus is also telling Judy and me to sell some of our worldly stuff and send the money in to help keep the Burches on the mission field. It just doesn’t seem to stop with the donations –and we are having so much fun in giving.

Judy and I will continue to be points of contact and giving for the Burches after they depart for France. One of the donut shops in Bartlett sponsors a pickle jar for donations, and several other small projects are producing funds –not enough, but it all helps.

Judy and I took a year off in support of the Burches as I suffered through cancer and the treatments –not fun, but we are back in the race.

This is all about God sending a family to the mission field, using other families to fund them, gathering a prayer support base, folks to encourage and communicate, and being a part of a sacred, God thing. I have no doubt that Jesus called us to give money, time, and other resources.

All I am asking you to do, if you are not already involved, is to pray that Jesus will let you know what He wants you to do, and then obey. Trust and obey, and you will be blessed immeasurably.

God bless you and keep you under the shadow of His wings.

Mike and Judy LaRiviere

Friday, August 8, 2014

France Friday: $10 Challenge Coffee Fast for France!

A cup of coffee at Starbucks costs about $4.  If you gave up two (and a half) cups of coffee a month, you could give $10 towards what God is doing in France.  As most of you know, we are in the home stretch...getting ready to go.  How long we are able to stay depends on our faithful donors.  Maybe you have been saying, "I can't give much, so what difference will it make?!"  It WILL make a difference.  If everyone could give a little, we could serve in France indefinitely.  If you are able to give more, that's great!  If you've been waiting to see IF we are going OR if you thought you couldn't give "enough", please prayerfully consider joining our $10 challenge!  We appreciate you!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

"Trust Me"

"28 And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these."
-Matthew 6:28-29

  • When getting a visa appointment turned out to be a bit more complicated than we thought, I heard God say, "Trust Me". 
  • When I purchased (with much fear and trembling) homeschooling materials to supplement both the time prior to getting to France and the fact that French schools won't be teaching English, I heard God say, "Trust Me". 
  • When I filled garbage bags of clothes to take to Goodwill in the first steps of packing, I heard God say, "Trust Me". 
  • When I realized that there was more unknown in the coming months than known, I heard God say, "Trust Me". 
  • When my son asked me (again) when we were moving to California, I heard God say, "Trust Me". 
  • When my daughter couldn't find France on the maps in her Bible and asked if France was on earth, I heard God say, "Trust Me."

Sometimes, even in my trusting God for the big picture, I forget to trust him in all the details.  God didn't ask me how I wanted to handle our move.  He just reminds me to trust Him, not once, but every day, over and over, when life feels out of control, when I'm not sure of the whens or the wheres.  He reminds me that He's got this, every detail!...and with that thought, the pressure if off, to have everything planned out, to know exactly what the future holds.  All that's left is FAITH in my Creator.  

Friday, June 20, 2014

France Friday: Progress

All three of the kids' passports have arrived!  We are hoping to get mine and Brandon's in the next day or two, since we do hope to be accompanying our children to France.  We are making plans to travel to Atlanta in mid-late July to apply for our visas.  Our new catch phrase around our house is that the next months will be one great big adventure for us.  I can sense Karis beginning to get a little apprehensive about the idea of going to school and not speaking the language.  My rule-following perfectionist cannot imagine how she will do everything correctly.  Micah doesn't really understand much about the move, but does show some signs of nerves when it comes to leaving his friends.  He also asked me today about making sure we take his frog and pillow that he sleeps with.  Asher, of course, is pretty much oblivious, but its going to be different for all of us.  So, we are continuing to look at it as an adventure, every part, from travel, to language, to the unknown.  I have been told that the kids will be less anxious if they don't see Brandon and I falling apart, so that's our goal (I know, aim high, right?!).  After all, what is adventure without risk?!  Joyeux Vendredi! (Happy Friday!)

Friday, May 30, 2014

Check Out Our Latest Newsletter with updates on our move to France this September...

Check out the big news concerning our journey to France!
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We Are Happy to Announce...



       This fall, approximately 10 years after we first set foot in France, we will be heading to France once again! This time we go not as two newlyweds still wondering what God is up to but as a family of five commissioned by the grace of God to live and share the gospel with the French. We have an opportunity to join the team of our friends David and Kathryn Lohnes in the same general region where we lived previously known as L'Oise. Our primary responsibilities on the team will be the areas of youth and evangelism. It's all a little surreal but needless to say we are filled with joy and anticipation and just a hint of nerves, =). None of this would be possible without YOUR prayers and support, so merci beaucoup << Test First Name >>! God's plan has always been to use the Church, me AND you, to make Him known to the ends of the earth and it is such a blessing to experience it together with you. God is at work and I can't wait to see what He intends to do through His church next.

Yes, You Can Still Help!

         It's not too late! You can still become partners with us to take the gospel to the French.  Right now we have enough financial support to serve in France for up to 2 years and we hope to continue serving in France long beyond that. Every faith promise of any amount helps to make that happen (click here for more info).

       Michelle and I are excited about entering this new phase of our journey and we know that you rejoice with us. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or ideas that you may have. On to new beginnings...

God bless, Brandon and Michelle

Paperwork and More Paperwork

     One immediate prayer need is for the visa process to go smoothly and not cause any delays. Our passport applications have been submitted and once they arrive we will move on to our visa applications. The process will also include a trip for the whole family to the French consulate in Atlanta, so yeah we thank you for praying in advance for that as well!

Receive Prayer Needs on Your Phone

    We're catching up with the times! Someone suggested that they would be more apt to pray for us consistently if they could receive updates on their phone. It turns out that it's simple to do. Just text "follow @burchprayerteam" to 40404 and beggining in June you will receive prayer needs daily on your phone via text message.
Brandon and Michelle Burch
7392 Odom Way, Apt. 203
Cordova, TN 38016
Twitter - @burchworldteam
FB- brandonandmichelle burch
World Team

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Monday, May 19, 2014

BIG News!

Yes these are passport pictures, and YES we are planning to use them this fall.  Ten years ago in September, Brandon and I stepped off the plane as newlyweds not even beginning to imagine what God would have in store for us during our yearlong stay in France.  THIS SEPTEMBER we will be stepping off that plane once again, this time with our three littles in tow ready for a whole new adventure.  I know what you are thinking..."But I really wanted to be a part of this journey!"  Don't you worry because its not too late.  We still need you!  Details will be coming shortly, but we are still in need of both prayer and financial partners.  Thank you for continuing to encourage us in this journey.  We love you all!  

On a side note, we have these awesome brochures, designed by the extremely talented Lesley Gilmer.  We would love to hook you up with one!...just let us know.

Friday, April 4, 2014

France Focus: What will you DO as missionaries in France?

Many of you have heard us share about the challenges of reaching the French with the gospel. For multiple reasons it's normally not as simple as going door-to-door. Typically there are many barriers that have to be torn down before the French will truly hear the good news. It takes a lot of prayer, creativity, and relationship-building (i.e. time). Some have asked what kind of things we would actually DO to reach the French once we arrived.  I wanted to highlight one creative approach being used right now as an example of the types of things we could do to gain a presence in the French community.

Gospel Cafe

Music is an effective tool in France, as it is in most places (you can click on the image for more details.) These concerts create a non-intimidating atmosphere in which they can communicate biblical truth, both through music and word, and hopefully create new relationships and opportunities. They're currently doing a concert about once a month in a nearby cafe and the next concert is tomorrow!  Please pray that the seed will fall on good soil and that God will produce much fruit.  Also pray that God will lead us to the financial partners we need to join the church-planting effort taking place in France.  

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Want to help? God can make a way!

I've been inspired recently by a church that has a heart to see the French come to know Christ, though I have no relationship with this congregation.  This weekend, Grace Bible Fellowship Church in Harrisburg, PA is holding their 10th annual book sale to help support World Team's church-planting efforts in France (you can read more about the sale here). What inspires me most is the determination to follow God's leading despite any obstacles in their way. Two men were burdened to see new churches started in France and they didn't focus on their own resources but on God's. In this digital age where the printed word is fading fast, this church has found a way to raise money to help spread the gospel.  They collect books throughout the year and last year they raised over $10,000! Our God is a creative God!

Sometimes we focus on the wrong questions. If God is stirring your heart to do something, just trust Him. God hasn't "fallen on hard times." He's still able to provide and to provide abundantly. If God burdens your heart for the over 65,000,000 French people (99%!) that need to know about Jesus, then let God lead you. He can show you where to get the money. We're committed to following God's call to France but we need help.  Will you help send us? Commit to partner with us in faith and we will trust that God will provide for both of our needs. God can make a way!  To find out more about the different giving options, click here. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

France Saturday...What's New?

My son, Micah, was so kind to share strep throat with me this weekend, and so I missed France Friday yesterday.  I wanted to share with you a few quick updates and opportunities, ways you can pray specifically:

  • What is the CNEF and how can you pray for the work in France right now?  "The National Council of French Evangelicals (le CNEF for short) was officially established in its present form in June 2010. It includes as its members the vast majority of Evangelical denominations and missions in the country, including France VIE" (The France branch of World Team) Learn more HERE.
  •   Brandon and I, along with our FAITH team, are sharing a meal with teachers and other representatives of each Bible Study class in our home church, Bartlett Hills Baptist tomorrow after the second service.  We are sharing updates on our progress and how every class can partner with us in different ways in the coming months as we strive to close the gap in our monthly support.
  • We are praying that God will get us to the field this fall.  We know we have been here before, setting goals, praying for God's timing, but longing to get there as soon as possible.  We are preparing to be here, but praying to be in France.  Thank you for continuing to
    pray for us.

      One of the things we have enjoyed about being here a bit longer is the opportunity Brandon has had to be a part of a talented worship team at our church.  This is a clip from last week's service that my sister recorded on her phone. 

*Song not ours: 

David Leonard | Leslie Jordan | Paul Mabury | Stuart Garrard
© 2012 Integrity's Alleluia! Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing (IMI))
Integrity's Praise! Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing (IMI))
Sony/ATV Timber Publishing (Admin. by Sony/ATV Sounds LLC)
Stugio Music Publishing (Admin. by Sony/ATV Sounds LLC)
West Main Music (Admin. by Sony/ATV Sounds LLC)

Friday, February 14, 2014


"Back in the day, France had a curious custom called the “loterie d’amour” where single men and women would gather in houses facing each other. After yelling at each other they would pair off, however if the man didn’t like his Valentine, he would desert her. At night, the deserted women would make a bonfire together and burn pictures and curse the men who deserted them. This has since been banned in France." (taken from this site)  

On this day where we celebrate love, romantic love, brotherly love, passionate love; I am reminded of Agape love, the love that only God can have for us, the only way we are able to truly love anyone else.  No matter what happens today, what gifts are given, what expectations are met (or not) matter what, God loves me, he loved me enough to send His son to die on the cross for my sins, something I can honestly say as a parent would be quite an impossible sacrifice.  

God loves the French people.  He wants them to know of His love.  They are looking for all the wrong places, but they are searching.  Would you consider partnering with us monthly to see the French come to know of Christ's love?  HERE, you can find out more about how you can be part of the kingdom building in France right where you are.  Some are called to go, some are called to give, some are called to pray.  We are ALL called to LOVE: love our enemies, love our family and friends, love our church, love those we may never meet.  We can make a difference by sharing God's love with the world!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Pass the Baton

At the beginning of our journey to the mission field, we attended RACE: Reciprocal Assessment and Candidate Evaluation, a requirement by World Team before you begin partnership development (support raising).  At the conclusion of our time there, they gave us a baton much like this one.  On the baton it reads, "It is not enough to run the race.  You must also pass the baton." Brandon often talks about our call in these terms.  We have been given the baton and called to take it to France and share the Gospel.  We had the privilege of sharing a little bit about France and our call to missions with Karis's kindergarten class today.  Even those young 5 and 6 year olds could understand what it means to pass the baton, to share Jesus with their friends and others they meet.  We can learn a lot from these young ones who are not afraid, too busy, or complacent to make a difference in their world.  So how about you? Are you still holding the baton or have you found ways to pass it on to others? How does God want to use you? 

RACE is a week-long assessment process designed to help you proceed prayerfully, boldly and purposefully on the course God has marked out for you. - See more at:
Reciprocal Assessment & Candidate Evaluation
Reciprocal Assessment & Candidate Evaluation
Reciprocal Assessment & Candidate Evaluation

Friday, January 17, 2014

In Math, Every Number Counts!

I am not a Math person.  I never have been.  I have always enjoyed writing which is why I do most of the blogging.  I am that person who pulls out my phone to calculate the tip in a restaurant because I don't trust myself to do the math in my head.  When Brandon starts talking about statistics (usually sports related), I almost immediately tune him out.  Don't tell him. ;)  I don't like to think about numbers which is why Brandon also does our budget.  Don't worry, I do my part by spending the money!  But one thing I do know is that in Math, every number counts.  I know that if I leave out any numbers, no matter how small, my calculations will be wrong.  We have to raise a lot of money in our pursuing of God's call on our family to plant churches in France.  A LOT OF MONEY!  As you can imagine, when I saw the numbers, I went into panic mode.  But when the numbers were broken down for me, it didn't seem so bad.  Here are the facts:

**We have raised almost $70,000 in outgoing (one time) costs to get to France.  That puts us at 98% of the outgoing expense costs!!!

*We are at about 50% of what we need for our pledged monthly donors (for our first four year term).

*We have people giving as little as $5/month up to $800/month.  These come from individuals, families, small groups (SS classes) and churches.  

*Every donation is needed, no matter how big or how small.  

We were able to skype with the France directors (the couple in charge of the France field) this morning.  We were so encouraged to hear that they are preparing for our arrival in France as soon as God allows for us to be there.  We long for the day when we are able to do what we have continued to feel affirmed God is calling us to.  We know that His timing is perfect and we have not regretted any of our time here, but we are pushing, praying, pleading for God to get us there sooner rather than later and we are wondering if He is calling you to be part of the numbers, whether a big part or a small part.

This is a response card that a good friend of mine, Lesley Gilmer, designed for us to show a breakdown of what it would take to get us to France.  We would love to share more with you about how you can be a part.  Thanks for continuing to pray for us in this journey!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Why France?

So very often when we are telling about God's call on our family to share Jesus with the French people, we hear, "Why France?"  "Aren't they Catholic?"  "Haven't they heard?"  Over the last month or so, I have been working on this short video to share with you..."Why France?"  We would love to see God use YOU to be a part of the revival: