"28 And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these."
-Matthew 6:28-29
- When getting a visa appointment turned out to be a bit more complicated than we thought, I heard God say, "Trust Me".
- When I purchased (with much fear and trembling) homeschooling materials to supplement both the time prior to getting to France and the fact that French schools won't be teaching English, I heard God say, "Trust Me".
- When I filled garbage bags of clothes to take to Goodwill in the first steps of packing, I heard God say, "Trust Me".
- When I realized that there was more unknown in the coming months than known, I heard God say, "Trust Me".
- When my son asked me (again) when we were moving to California, I heard God say, "Trust Me".
- When my daughter couldn't find France on the maps in her Bible and asked if France was on earth, I heard God say, "Trust Me."
Sometimes, even in my trusting God for the big picture, I forget to trust him in all the details. God didn't ask me how I wanted to handle our move. He just reminds me to trust Him, not once, but every day, over and over, when life feels out of control, when I'm not sure of the whens or the wheres. He reminds me that He's got this, every detail!...and with that thought, the pressure if off, to have everything planned out, to know exactly what the future holds. All that's left is FAITH in my Creator.
Trusting God with you!