Friday, February 14, 2014


"Back in the day, France had a curious custom called the “loterie d’amour” where single men and women would gather in houses facing each other. After yelling at each other they would pair off, however if the man didn’t like his Valentine, he would desert her. At night, the deserted women would make a bonfire together and burn pictures and curse the men who deserted them. This has since been banned in France." (taken from this site)  

On this day where we celebrate love, romantic love, brotherly love, passionate love; I am reminded of Agape love, the love that only God can have for us, the only way we are able to truly love anyone else.  No matter what happens today, what gifts are given, what expectations are met (or not) matter what, God loves me, he loved me enough to send His son to die on the cross for my sins, something I can honestly say as a parent would be quite an impossible sacrifice.  

God loves the French people.  He wants them to know of His love.  They are looking for all the wrong places, but they are searching.  Would you consider partnering with us monthly to see the French come to know of Christ's love?  HERE, you can find out more about how you can be part of the kingdom building in France right where you are.  Some are called to go, some are called to give, some are called to pray.  We are ALL called to LOVE: love our enemies, love our family and friends, love our church, love those we may never meet.  We can make a difference by sharing God's love with the world!

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