Friday, June 21, 2013

MERGE-"Where Camp and Missions Meet"

*highlight video by Ryan Sidhom and Vantage Media

Mission minded students who are sleeping on the floor, showering in tents, getting "Turn't up for Jesus" and sharing the gospel...

Encouragement from great (granted, CRAZY) adult leadership...

Reaching out to our community...

Getting their worship on...

  "Everything that has breath praise the Lord!" (Psalm 150:6)...

I was blessed to participate in Merge this week as the camp photographer in conjunction with our fundraising efforts.  I was encouraged by the passion of these students.  God calls us to share the Good News wherever we are, in Memphis, TN, in New Orleans, LA, in France... wherever we are, we are to praise Him and make His name known.  To God be the glory.  We praise Him in the journey!

Friday, June 14, 2013

France Friday, 6/14/13: Thinking about Churches....

Happy Friday,

     If you're like me and have lived in Memphis most of your life, churches are the norm.  I didn't even go to church much until I met Jesus at 16, but I was used to churches being a part of my life. Churches on tv, friends that went to church, church sports programs, VBS.  All of this was a normal part of growing up for me. Fast forward to this past year, and especially the past 3 months, and I've had the opportunity to visit numerous churches for a variety of reasons.  I found myself praising God for all of the great churches in our area, most of which are just a short drive away. And not just church "buildings", but vibrant church "bodies" seriously pursuing Christ and seeking to make Christ known to the communities around them and beyond. 

    And then I thought about France, a place with plenty of buildings but a place where the true Church is all but absent in most communities. As big a part as the Church has played in my life, both before and after I became a Christian, I can't imagine living in a place void of true, Jesus-worshiping, people-loving churches.  Can you?

   God could send the gospel to the lost any way He wanted to (signs, angels, writing on the wall!) but instead He chose the Church  (me and you!) as the primary messenger of the Good News. In just about every measurement or survey that you look at, Memphis ranks as one of the top "religious, churched, bible-believing" cities in the country!  Oh that the Church would rise up and remember her calling!  What a privilege we have and what a responsibility! Let's not take what we have for granted and please join us in seeking to be His witnesses to France and to the ends of the earth. 

P.S. Almost every day we hear, "I thought you were going to France..." or "when are you leaving for France?".  In case you were unaware or if you hear the same questions, please know that the only real hurdle preventing us from leaving for France is money.  We need about $25,000 in one-time gifts to cover our moving and set-up costs and about $5,000 pledged monthly giving ( for four years) to cover our living and ministry costs for our first term. Below is a sample breakdown of what those financial partnerships could look like.  If you think you can help in any way please click the banner on the left sidebar or email me at with any questions.  Thank God for His Church!

4 Churches at $250/month
10 partners at $100/month
20 Partners at $50/month
50 Partners at $20/month
100 Partners at $10/month

Thursday, June 6, 2013

National Donut Day!

This first Friday in June is not only France Friday, but it is also National Donut Day.  You can celebrate (and who wouldn't want to??) and support us at the same time.  K's Donuts has so graciously allowed us to place a pickle jar in their shop and they are accepting donations for our missions fund.  I am planning to stop by and get a yummy treat.  We hope that you will as well!

Saturday, June 1, 2013


This song, by Tenth Avenue North describes the way I feel often in the last months, particularly regarding our journey to the mission field.  I was looking for the perfect video to post on here, and eventually I decided to make one, instead.  I had a great time looking through some of the recent photos that I have taken and I was actually encouraged by all the sweet faces of my children and those of my friends.  "Worn" was written at a time when Mike Donehey had two young girls and was getting very little sleep.  I can relate to that all too well.  The journey is not promised to be easy, but the reward IS promised to be great.  The scripture included in the video is from Psalm 28, a passage that my dad preached on recently.  It really stuck with me and relates so well to the message in these lyrics.  If nothing else, some of these images should put a smile on your face.