This is my crazy son, Micah, who as you can see has no fear. I should mention that before I stopped to snap a picture, I did frantically run over to make sure that the back wheels would not actually fit down the slide. He wasn't going anywhere, but he was completely ready to...No Fear! I am not saying that I want to ride a bike down a slide, but I could learn a little bit about being fearless from him. God has called us to something that leaves so many areas of our lives out of our control...the biggest and scariest for me being His timing. Its hard not knowing when we will go or how to plan for the future. I always thought that missionaries had to be fearless to move to a new culture and language, but I never imagined that they had to be fearless in the process of getting there. We know that God is preparing us now for all that we will encounter on the mission field. We thank you for praying for and with us through this growing process. Here are a few specifics that you can be praying about...
- Brandon met with Cary Vaughn, CEO of Love Worth Finding Ministries. They are praying about how they can partner with us.
- We have several churches that we are making contact with to see how they might be a part of what God is doing in France.
- We are still doing some follow up from our Soiree dinner as well as beginning the initial planning for our next BIG event, "Fete de La Musique"...stay tuned for details coming soon!
- Continue to pray for the work that is currently going on in France. The vacation season is winding down and things are getting back to a more regular schedule.
je connais les projets que j'ai formés sur vous, dit l'Éternel, projets
de paix et non de malheur, afin de vous donner un avenir et de
Jérémie 29:11
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