I have always been someone who often shows love by giving gifts. I have to stop myself from buying everything that I see that might be perfect for someone I know and love. I'm pretty sure I get this trait from my mom. She loves to spoil the grandkids (and their parents :) ) with all sorts of small gifts that just shout "this would be perfect for...!" I have not, however, always been good about seeing the bigger picture and the needs all around me. I get so caught up in my own little world of people that I forget that there are others out there who may need me as well. Much of that perspective has changed as I have entered into the world of support raising. I have found myself on the other side, asking people to have a passion for God's call on my family and to share their prayer as well as financial support. And, I'm not gonna lie...it has been TOUGH! I have been humbled as I approach people, some that I see often and others that I rarely if ever spend face to face time with and ask them to pray about and consider partnering with us. I know that not everyone will be called (as only God can call people) to serve with us in this way and I can't let people's responses to my asking discourage me. At the same time, I can not and do not have any hard feelings towards those who choose not to give to this ministry. Many are called to other ministries and missions around the world. We are trusting that God will raise up those only He can, to join with us and we rejoice as He reveals those people to us! I have felt challenged to become more aware of the needs and the people around me over the last few months. I have become one of those people who gives money to the charities collecting outside of Walmart or standing in the median on the highway. I have followed people to the gas station to pay for their gas and given to the homeless in ways that I never imagined I would. I am not wanting to praise myself, but my God who has helped me to be more aware of the physical and, more importantly, the spiritual needs around me. My prayer life has greatly increased as I attempt to intercede for those who share prayer needs with me. We continue to be thankful for those of you that God has called to pray for us and/or to give to World Team, as they prepare to send us out "into the harvest". Thank you for bearing with us as we have updated daily on facebook sharing our prayer needs during this "40 Days For France". Tomorow night we are hosting a dinner at Bartlett Hills. There will be about 80 or so people there who are coming for the specific purpose of finding out more about what partnering with us looks like and how they fit into that. We covet your continual prayers as we look forward to seeing God move.
*"My Own Little World" by Matthew West
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