Monday, August 29, 2011

For the Glory of it All!

"Oh the Glory of it all is:
he came here
for the rescue of us all
that we may live
for the glory of it all

oh he is here
for redemption from the fall
that we may live
for the glory of it all
oh the glory of it all
the glory of it all
oh the glory of it all"

Brandon started the night of "Music and Missions" with this song, "For the Glory of it All" by Dave Crowder.  It is for His glory that we met together for this night of worship.  It is also for His glory that we are asking people to support our call.  Here are the three ways that you can support us...

Ways that YOU can partner with us…

1.  Prayer Support- Sign up to receive our newsletters so that you can know how to specifically pray.

2.  Community Support- Feel free to send birthday cards, notes, emails, etc to encourage our family as we are far from home.

3.  Fund-Raising Support- Find out more about how you can be a part of fulfilling our financial needs through monthly or one-time gifts.
    I added a section on the top left of the blog that should take you directly to the "Giving" page on the World Team website.  There are also some simple instructions on how to fill out the form.  I have had several people say that they could not find where to go and how to give, so hopefully this will make it easier for you.  I welcome any feedback on if this helps.  Finally, Brandon and I wanted to thank John Finley, pastor at Bartlett Hills Baptist Church, Steve McPherson and the missions committee at BHBC for giving us this opportunity and supporting us through it, Leslie Tisdale and Linda Reed for helping us get all the copies of our information sheets.  It was way more complicated than it looked!  We are so thankful for this opportunity and look forward to how God is going to continue to work through it!

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