So, lots of things will be changing for the Burch family over the next few months. We had our "See you later" (I am not saying "Goodbye...yet) party with our FBC Millington family last night and it was very nice. We had lots of good food, great fellowship, and they blessed us with a money tree and a plaque (which included both of our names) to show appreciation for our time in ministry at FBC Millington. We know that God used these people and this time in our lives to prepare us for life as church planters. We are so grateful for this experience. But, like I said, change is here! We will be attending Bartlett Hills Baptist Church where will be lay people. This will be quite different for us. I think it, too, will be a great growing experience but will take some getting used to. Brandon will be working two part-time, non-ministry jobs so that we can devote more time and energy into pursuing our call to missions. We are expecting our son, Asher, to arrive in mid-April, so that, too will be a change and most likely add another challenge to the mix. It is easy to get excited about making some progress and seeing God move in our lives, but it doesn't take much for us to become distracted and focused on the here and now. We ask for you to pray for us, that we can continue to push forward with ambitious spirits and our eyes focused on the great need in France. That being said, we would like to share a link to another blog. This family was in our shoes this time last year and has recently arrived in France. Their success is an encouragement to us and confirms how BIG our God is and how small these challenges are in comparison. We trust that God is going to get us there as well. Their blog is very good and a great way to keep up with how God is working right now in the area of the world where He has called us to someday minister. We invite you to check it out at http://shorbsinfrance.blogspot.com.
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