October 8th will mark one year since we set foot on French soil. We are thankful!:
- We are thankful for health (not once have we been to the dr for illness since we arrived which I hear is pretty rare)
- We are thankful for friends. We have all quickly made friends in our community, in the schools, in the church, through teaching English
- We are thankful for "family". We have been able to spend time with other missionary families who are also missing their family and friends back home and we have been able to be family to each other.
- We are thankful for language acquisition. Everyone has made great progress in French. Brandon has already been able to preach his first sermon and the kids, well...they surpassed me a long time ago!
- We are thankful for ministry. God has already begun to work in the lives of several families near us and we are beginning to see potential for long term ministry here in La Neuville D'Aumont.
Eucharisteo! (Thankful!) God is good!
We feel very affirmed in our calling here in France. Life is far from easy, but not once have we even considered packing up and going home...not on our worst day. Does that mean that if we had, our calling would be less affirmed? Not necessarily. But we feel this is where God has us, not for two years, but until ???...until He calls us elsewhere.
That being said,we came to France on a two year assignment because that's how much money we had and we are trusting that He will provide the rest of what we need to remain in France long term. **By we, I mostly mean Brandon is trusting, but I am working on it. We currently lack about 50% of our monthly support to remain in France and its a large number, a number that scares me to think about. But if I can look back and see how God has taken care of our family, then I can look ahead and trust that His is taking care of us still, whatever that looks like.
Here is where you can help:
- PRAY- Everyone, no matter how much money you have, can pray. Pray that God will put France on the hearts of those who might be looking for a place to support financially in ministry, whether that be churches or individuals.
- SHARE- Share our story with those you know who might be interested in joining with us. We are putting together information on our year of ministry here. So, let us know if you would like to receive it.
- THINK- If you can think of anyone (church or individual) who might want to receive an email, a call or more from us to hear about our ministry, please let us know.
- GIVE- If you are already giving, we thank you! If you aren't and would like to know hot to start, let us know OR simply go HERE. We have people giving as little as $5/month. There is no amount too small (or too big!).
" Eucharisteo Always Precedes the Miracle" -Ann Voskamp