La Prière d’une Femme Missionnaire
Père, mon Abba et le roi de ma vie
Je m’offre à Toi, une mère, une épouse,
une fille
Je te donne ma famille et tout ce que nous
A ton service, Maître, jusqu’à notre arrivée chez Toi, dans Ta
Jésus, mon Sauveur et le Créateur majestueux
de tout
Cinq cœurs répondent volontiers
à Ton appel.
Conduis-nous, nous Te
suivrons ; ce que Tu dis, nous le ferons
Demandes-nous et nous nous
donnerons à Toi, envoies-nous et nous partirons.
Au pied de Ta croix, nous déposons chacune de nos craintes
Nous T’offrons en cadeau,
Jésus, tout ce que nous chérissons
Notre seul désir est de
répandre Ta pure et merveilleuse lumière
Notre seule récompense sera un jour d’entendre
Ta voix qui nous dit "bien fait"
Une prière qui vient du cœur d'une servante.
A Missionary Woman’s Prayer
Father, my Abba and King of my life
I offer myself a mother, a woman, a wife
I give you my family and all that we own
For your service Master until You call us home.
Jesus my Savior, majestic Creator of all
Five hearts are responding to your beck and call
Lead, we will follow; what you say we will do
Ask and we will give, send and we will go.
At the foot of your cross, we lay all our fear
As a gift to you Jesus, we give all we hold dear
Our only desire is that Your pure light be shown
Our hope of reward is to hear Your “well done.”
From a servant’s heart.
Our friend, Mike LaRiviere, who wrote the newspaper article that we shared last week, also wrote this poem for an upcoming event where we will be sharing. I will be reading it in both English and French. As I was translating it (with some help from our friends and missionaries, the Lohneses) I had to reread it many times. During that time, I was filled with many emotions: fear, excitement, even frustration. One of the questions I will be answering at this upcoming event is: "
You are about to take your small children, and
the grandchildren of two sets of grandparents, 4,500 miles away. You will have
your hands full as a wife, mother, and missionary. How will you handle all
that?" When I read this question my first thought was...I don't guess "I have absolutely no idea!" is an acceptable answer. I do know that the struggles that I face balancing being a wife and mom and support-raising are great preparation for balancing being a wife and mom and missionary. I am not the first woman to do it and I am confident that my God who has called our family to this, will remain with us every step of the way. I would love to know the exact when and where and how, but as the poem ends, I am a servant. I put my trust in the Master and look forward to the journey ahead. Thank you for continuing to pray for us. If you didn't catch yesterday's "DID YOU KNOW???" post, check it out here.