Thursday, December 20, 2012

Joyeux Noel


This is a super busy time of year, so here are a few quick updates regarding our journey to France...

  •  Our current status:  At last check, both our monthly support as well as our outgoing support (moving and set-up costs) are between 40-45%.  We praise God for the progress we've seen this year!  Unfortunately, it's not enough to be able to attend the January pre-field training course we have been praying for.  So, barring something huge from God, we now set our sights and prayers on July when the course is offered again.  Please join us in praying that God would make a way!  Find out how you can help below...
  •  Our next steps:  Just after Christmas we will move into a missionary apartment at the seminary.  It will save us on rent and it is furnished which has allowed us to begin the process of selling off many of the things that won't be going with us to France.  Also, we will continue to seek out opportunities to meet with individuals and churches locally and we will begin to increase our communication with our "out-of-town" contacts.  Please pray that the joy of the Lord will be our strength, that we won't grow weary, and that God will grant us wisdom on how to proceed.

Update on T-Shirts

 Sorry for the delay, but the new t-shirts are now in!  If for some reason we don't get yours to you over the next week or so, please let us know.  If you are interested in buying one for $15, you can see a picture of the new design here

How You Can Help

Would you consider joining our support team and helping to send us and the gospel to France?
Here's how:
  1. Give a special, year-end gift from you or your business. 
  2. Commit to partner with us financially on a monthly basis (you can check out the different giving options here).
  3. Help us spread the word.  We'd love to meet with you, your church, or your small group.
We wish you a Joyeux Noel...and we will be blogging more often again come January, so be ready to be hearing more from us again very soon!