- We again had the opportunity to share with Fayette Baptist Church this past Sunday about our call to France. They are already on board to partner with us monthly as a church and will soon more details.
- God is doing some amazing things in and through this new church plant!
- Bartlett Hills has officially partnered with us monthly and we are so excited to have our second church joining us in this call to France!

- We will have an indoor booth in the snack room at Bartlett Hills Baptist Church on Friday and Saturday as a part of the Arts and Crafts Festival. There will be around 100 booths there, so come check it out. We will be selling all sorts of things: arts and crafts and our new T-Shirts. Pray that we will also have many opportunities to add people to our contact list.
- On Saturday, we will also have music, photos and caricatures. It will be lots of fun and another way to share our call. I know God is sovereign and His ways are higher than mine, but I stress about the "what ifs" such as "WHAT IF it rains?!" Pray that we will remember that He is in control no matter how it all plays out.
- I have already shared with you our new church pledges. We are currently at about 38% of our monthly support and 41% of our outgoing support. Continue to pray that God will call others to partner with us as we are still striving for the January term of pre-field training. We need to be at 75% to get there. God is BIG and we can't wait to see how he is going to work this weekend!