We have had a lot of people tell us that they want to partner with us, but at this time they cannot support us financially. We definitely understand that. They have joined us as prayer partners and we don't take this partnership lightly. We will be sending out newsletters to let you know specifically how you can be praying for us. If you are not currently on our list of contacts currently receiving our letters and would like to be, please let us know. So, here is one way that you can remember to pray for us and for France every day. I got this idea from a friend. So here'e the plan...at 1:23 say a quick prayer for us. I tried to think of a super spiritual time, but I ended up going simple. Maybe its because I play with children all day long, but if nothing else its easy for me to remember. It also happens to be during my kids naptime, so there is a good chance I might have a free moment to focus on France as well. You could also go with 1:23 am, but as late as I stay up, I am usually in bed by then. Its totally up to you. We appreciate you thinking about us! Last week I really wanted to focus on prayer in my life as well as with my kids. I was able to start some really neat things with them during our prayer time together. We also had some answered prayers. Brandon has been working part time at two different jobs. As of Monday, Brandon will be full-time at TopRX. We have been praying for this for a while. It will be helpful as far as his schedule and with insurance. We also had some friends offer to make T-shirts for us. Very soon, we will be selling them to raise outgoing funds. We are planning to start selling them at the Bartlett Hills Baptist Church Craft Sale this weekend if they are ready in time. I will get a picture on here as soon as we have them! Thanks so much to all of you who support us in whatever manner. We can't do this without you! And now, just because its too cute to pass up...

My Pumpkin!