Chris Tomlin has a song that I have come to love this year. Some of the lyrics are as follows..."Where You go, I'll go. Where You stay, I'll stay. When you move, I'll move. I will follow You." I have thought over and over as I listened and sang along with Chris in the car how I am ready to GO where God leads our family and to serve where He wants us. Little did I realize that this might mean staying where we are a little longer. It has been quite a while since my last post and mostly that is due to the fact that I try only to post when I have news to share about our progress. Unfortunately, these last few months have been a little frustrating as far as getting to the mission field in France. Brandon has been in the process of trying to transition out of his ministry position at FBC Millington into a non-ministry job so that he is able to put in more time and thought into our journey to France. This process has proved to be a lot more difficult than we anticipated. Between the hurting economy and all of Brandon's experience and education being in ministry, he has yet to find something that can support our family of (soon to be) five. A friend told me the other day, "It's just not God's timing". At the time all I could think was, "How can this NOT be God's timing?!" We are finally mentally and emotionally ready to move forward after waiting so long. How can this not be what God wants for us right now?? I don't have the answers to these frustrating questions, but I do trust that God is in control of every aspect of our lives. We have to trust that in His timing, money will be provided...to support our family now and as we do get back to France. Brandon is currently working a second job and hoping that he will either be able to find something to pair with it or something better in the next months as we attempt to spend more time and effort into raising the support that we need to get on the mission field. He has also been working on our "Letter Campaign" which is basically a four-part letter series that will be sent out via snail mail as well as email and will be posted on here. These letters will describe in more detail who we are, who World Team is, what God has put on our hearts as far as ministry and how you can help (whether financially or otherwise). We want you to know that we are moving forward and we hope that you have not forgotten about us. At this point, we have chosen not to change our goal date of getting to France by January of 2012. We know that this will take a huge act of God, but we know that our God can make it happen and we refuse to limit Him. With that being said, we are aware that we may have to push this goal back at some point in the future. Please continue to pray for us and for France. We are, as I posted back in August, expecting a baby boy, Asher Paul Burch, in April. We look forward to welcoming him into our family! We appreciate your love and support and will continue to update you as often as possible. Thanks again!