Micah would like for everyone to know that as well as turning two years old in April, he is also going to be a big brother! We are very excited about baby Burch #3 as we are calling it right now. With our timeline of trying to get to France by January of 2012, we are hoping that this timing makes it so that we don't have to delay our trip because of a pregnancy. We greatly appreciate your prayers in this new adventure. We are still very early in the pregnancy but we wanted to share it with you so that you would know how you can be praying for us right now. For those of you who have never read this blog and were curious about the "big announcement" you are definitely invited to take a look at the rest of the blog and learn more about our heart for missions in France. For, those who want to know more about our progress, I will get an update on here very soon! Thanks again for joining us in this journey!